Why Kyshi? - 5 Reasons To Choose Kyshi

Why Kyshi? - 5 Reasons To Choose Kyshi

By Kyshi Clan  •  October 02, 2022  •  2 minute read mins

Years ago, we were fine with our messages getting to a loved one weeks or months after. Today, we’re restless when they don’t respond immediately we see “Delivered”. ?

Same goes for our money. We used to be fine with money taking days to get to our family and friends across borders. Now, we want to save the day and be there for them at the speed of light.

That’s why we created Kyshi! And, we can prove it with five points:


  • Send at your own rate: 
    We can say boldly that we are the only platform (that we are aware of) that allows you to set your rate of exchange. Our unique marketplace allows you to create and accept offers that you’re comfortable with. We want you to be able to do more with your hard earned money.

  • Low transaction fees: 
    If you don’t see value in us, why should we charge you? Seriously, we wish we could do this for free but hey, we need to keep the lights on if we want to always be there for you. Our guarantee is that you can be sure that we have one of the lowest fees you can imagine.  And, that’s not all, your first transaction is on us, as a welcome gift! ?

  • Fastest payout: 
    Now, you don’t have to tell anyone it would take days to get the money to them. No. With Kyshi, payouts happen within 5 seconds or less. Yes, you read that right. That’s been our record average payout time since inception and we don’t intend to let that change. We’re working tirelessly to ensure that nothing ruins our record.

  • Send money from anywhere
    While we are currently in Nigeria and the UK, as long as you have authorised wallets for any of these jurisdictions, you can send money from anywhere in the world. No need for queues or several calls to the bank. Kyshi’s marketplace is open at the click of a button.

  • Get paid when you get others to use Kyshi: 
    Who doesn’t like free money?! ?  We deeply appreciate those who spread the word about us and we’re happy to reward them. For everyone who gets onboard with your referral code and makes transactions worth £250+, you get £5 or ₦3000. Multiply that by 10 or 20, you’re smiling to the bank or to the mall to spoil yourself.

So, there you have it - our 5-point agenda! We hope we’ve been able to convince you that Kyshi is the only best friend you need to send money to and from Nigeria and the UK. If you’re not already onboard, you can download Kyshi from the App Store or Playstore and start sending money at the speed of light!


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